
Dear Walpole Youth Lacrosse Parents, 

We’re excited to introduce you to our first ever Wall Ball Challenge.  In addition to drastically improved stick skills, we will be offering some incredible rewards.  Including cool Walpole Lax swag, as well as having their name added to a banner/plaque to be hung at the Walpole Lacrosse Wall at the S.M. Lorusso & Sons Athletic Complex.


There is NO BETTER WAY to develop elite stick skills, than spending time on a lacrosse wall or rebounder.  The goal of our Wall Ball Challenge is help encourage our players to learn and understand the importance of creating a wall ball routine at home. When the work has been put in, a player will develop a very smooth and fluid passing motion, that


they can easily take to the playing field


Developing that fluid motion takes A LOT of time. Players need to have QUALITY REPS WITH PROPER TECHNIQUE and practice for a minimum of 15 minutes a day, a couple days a week, for at least 30 days, before attempting to pass the challenge.   If players are just trying to rush through this, it will show as they won’t have the proper form or stamina to pass!  To start, focus primarily on Form & Technique (not speed or number of reps) and slowly build up to the time requirements/reps. 


To successfully pass these challenges, boys will have to practice outside of normal practice hours. Very few boys will be able to pass initially without practice, however, should they choose to participate and put in the practice time, we would expect all to be able to pass.

This particular challenge will consist of 6 different drills, all of which should be done from 6-7 feet from the Wall (or bounce back). Each drill has a specified number of repetitions that should be completed. Dropped passes are allowed, however drops do not count in the repetition requirements. It is strongly recommended to have a few extra balls close by when shooting the video submission. PLEASE, do not submit the video unless all drill requirements have been met accordingly.


Why does the wall ball challenge have a time limit?  Players that are not regularly on the wall will not have built up the stamina to complete this challenge. Taking 12, 15, or 20 minutes to complete the throws won’t generate the skills required to ingrain the proper technique. Players that can complete the challenge in 7 minutes or less have proven they are putting the work in.


One handed passes will prove challenging initially, especially for younger players. Have them hold their hand closer to the top of the stick (but not all the way to the stick head). They should be “snapping” their wrists as they throw the ball, pointing the stick at the intended target. The more wrist strength a child has will allow them to move their hand more towards the middle of the stick. Please ensure a half cradle is being made in between throws (no quick sticks).

Good Luck





Video the player completing all (6) exercises below at the grade level required reps in 7 minutes or under.  The video should be one continuous video.


1. 2 handed pass / catch (strong hand) (can’t choke up or quick stick)

  1. When catching, top hand under the throat of the head, bottom hand on the butt end  
  2.  Top hand middle of shaft on pass, bottom hand on butt end on pass
  3. 2 handed pass / catch (weak hand) (can’t choke up or quick stick)
    • Top hand middle of shaft on pass, bottom hand on butt end on pass
    • When catching, top hand under the throat of the head, bottom hand on the butt end  
  4. Pass righty /catch lefty and pass lefty/catch righty (quick hand exchange also called crossover) 
  5. 1 handed righty (pass and catch with 1 hand) 
  6. 1 handed lefty (pass and catch with 1 hand) 
  7. 2 handed pass / catch (weak hand again) (can’t choke up or quick stick)



1st /2nd Grade

3rd/ 4th Grade

5th / 6th Grade

7th / 8th Grade

2 Handed Pass/Catch (strong hand)






2 Handed Pass/Catch (weak hand)






Pass right/catch left and pass left/catch righty






1 handed strong hand





1 handed weak hand





2 Handed Pass/Catch (weak hand)






Click this link to view an example of a successfully completed Grade 2/3 routine or this upper grade video as another example of proper form (ignore reps as numbers are higher than we are asking for).

Please Note:

  • Do not count a dropped pass – ignore it, pick up a new ball and keeping going from number you were at
    • Having extra balls with you helps
  • Must wear lacrosse gloves 
  • No bounce passes 


Technique and format

· Players should be about 5 large steps (about 6-7 feet) away from the wall.

· Players should be throwing the ball HARD on every rep. Do not lob the pass. Throw every pass as you would in a game. This will get tiring but it will develop muscle memory and endurance. 

  • YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO CHOKE UP on the 2 handed pass / catch exercises.  The first (2) exercises in the challenge should be mimicking passing / catching in a game. Players often choke up on this so they can go faster, if you are choking up, you will not pass. Technique and Form does count in addition to correct reps/time. 

· DO NOT stand square to the bounce back. Players need to have opposite foot forward as they would when passing / catching in a game (same foot placement when throwing a baseball or football). 

· The test can be done on a bounce back or wall (if a player does not have a bounce back at home, finding a wall at a school, sports fields or somewhere close to home works).

Video Submission

· When you have comfortably practiced to the point of completing the challenge and are ready to film yourself and submit your official entry, the film needs to be one continuous recording of player passing all (6) exercises at the required reps in 7 minutes or under.

· You will need to video your official submission and uploaded it to a personal YouTube account and email the video link to Video needs to be set for public view in YouTube and here’s a Google link providing direction on how to easily post a video to YouTube directly from your phone.

· Please acknowledge if we have your permission to post the video on our website / social media.

· Foul language, unnecessary acts or antics will disqualify you. 

· All videos must be submitted by the July 1st to be eligible for this seasons banner.   

· Parents should be reviewing the video before player sends it in.

Best of luck and we look forward to seeing the kids create a habit at home while their stick skills our program skill level increases as group!


*** Everyone is welcome to participate in this challenge.  Prizes will be awarded players registered with Walpole Youth Boys Lacrosse in the year of their submission